COURSE Theology of Communication (Prof. Enrico Benedetto)

COURSE  Theology of Communication (Prof. Enrico Benedetto)




ONLINE (zoom)



Prof. Enrico Benedetto


     Words are windows or walls, even more so in theology and in the life of the Church. The attitudes, gestures, unspoken words and expressiveness that underlie them constitute an incomparable semantic landscape.

Verba manent.

The Course intends to present itself as a (re)discovery and awareness of the multiple implications of

awareness of the multiple implications of Saying, in close

connection with Doing. The performativity, not only biblical, of the word will be evoked, and role-plays on its impact on community life will be introduced. We will examine in detail

the Revolution of Connectivity and the criticalities induced, as well as its relation or not to tradition through new formulations of previous practices.

Among the objectives of Teocom, the exit - at least partially - from painful stereotypes

painful ecclesial communication stereotypes and the search for a "good being" of the Church that privileges the emergence and development of individual, group and assembly charisms over the simple

management approach.






March: Tuesdays 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29.

April: Tuesdays 5, 12 and 26

May: Tuesdays 3, 10, 17, 24, 31.



9-9 45' ; 10-10 45'


Registration fee: 

€ 100 (For the single course)


€ 270 for the "All you can learn" formula, which allows you to attend all the initiatives indicated in the course catalog, which can be downloaded from the Faculty website.

Free course for those enrolled in the LSBT course



The course will be offered online. The credentials and access modes must be requested from the secretariat at the time of registration.